

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sheryl Sandberg's commencement speech

A must watch (even though its a CAL commencement speech)-

Thank you for my wonderful family and loved ones.

3 p's

Kick the shit out of option B (if all you have is option B)

Be resilient 

Be thankful for all that we have. 

Become the best version of yourself. 

We are stronger than we ever imagined 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Big short

Great movie loved this quote -  "People want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they choose this authority not based on facts or results. They choose it because it seems authoritative and familiar. I’ve never been authoritative or familiar.” Dr michael burry 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Taylor swift - such an iconoclast

"There are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success, or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame," Swift said. "But if you just focus on the work and you don't let those people sidetrack you, someday, when you get where you're going, you'll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there, and that will be the greatest feeling in the world."

Monday, January 18, 2016

A trip down the memory lane...

My good luck card to my teammate for pac 10s back in 2006.  A wise saying about being out of your comfort zone! It's the most fun.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Phil knight

There comes a time in every life when the past recedes and the future opens. It's that moment when you turn to face the unknown. Some will turn back to what they already know. Some will walk straight ahead into uncertainty. I can't tell you which one is right. But I can tell you which one is more fun.